I have two more holes in my head now. Jeez, why did no one tell me piercings are more work than tattoos? Four weeks of cleaning them? Bah. I'm glad I can't remember getting my first ear piercings. Four months old was a good time, mum. Thanks.
You scored as Captain Jack Sparrow. You are definitely quirky and often mistaken for mad but if anyone is truly paying attention they can see there is method to your madness. You try really hard to be bad but in the end you tend to do the right thing.
Captain Jack Sparrow
Long John Silvers
Mary Read
Captain James T. Hook
Captain Barbosa
Black Beard
Morgan Adams
Dread Pirate Roberts
Will Turner
What kind of Pirate are you?created with
QuizFarm.com Aaaanyways, while the spawn are duking it out...here's a drabble. Like the kind I used to do forever ago. Remember those?
Yeah...good times.
Title: F.A.O
Team: Schwarz
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Toys
Characters: Schuldig, Crawford
AN: Some one had to take advantage of it…
The plans were spread across the table, charts and graphs and models of a new wonderland. On any other occasion, Crawford would have been impressed by the sheer professionalism of it all. It was so…orderly.
“Crawford, if you drool on my spread sheets I will shoot you,” Schuldig drawled, not looking up.
“You can hardly blame me. They’re very nice spread sheets.”
“Talk dirty to me later. I’m busy.”
Truly a red-letter day. “My only question, Schuldig, is…why open a toy store of all things?”
“The kids. I’m…starting early.” Blue eyes finally glanced up, amused. “Minds like play-dough, boss.”