finding mecha

Jul 11, 2006 21:04

I'm terribly terribly behind on the flist and apologize profusely *bows* The internet is still being a dick and...well, taking a break has been kind of refreshing. I went to the beach Friday by me onsies on a spur of the moment thing and just....sat. Walked along the shore. Wondered about the old house perched on the nearby cliff. That kind of stuff. Nothing is more peaceful than that.

Which I needed. The muses, they do not speak very loudly lately. Kinda a dull murmur. I have half a disney pr0n finished and am scribbling out an adult!Spawn fic for the sake of variety. Any helpful nudges would be...well, helpful.

And summer class is...well, historically informative. I'm waiting to put all my naval knowledge to use. Or break down and sing "I feel the earth move under my feet" when I feel the subway rumble underneath the classroom. Either one would be equally welcomed.

So anyways, I saw Dead Man's Chest again, as I promised the Mother Unit. Aaaand....AH Transformers movie trailer! Are we all excited about that? Cause we should be. I'm sure it will be more than meets the eye. Guffaw.

Back to the pirates (the soundtrack of which is goodly, btw)....hippediva got me thinking, as she sometimes does. I had a very different reaction to it after 1) a few hours of sleep on Friday and 2) seeing it again and not being dazzled by the 'omgit'spirates'-ness I experienced ...

Firstly, I didn't hate it. I just have mixed feelings because...well, I couldn't tell you. It just is *grins*

I already mentioned to her how I also thought the director and writers fell into the Lucas trap when it came to sequels...and after seeing it a second time I can't agree more. I left feeling so terribly sad and, as B. said, depressed. Not even for the "death" of Jack, but because...I don't really have the urge to see it again. I still can't believe it. The first one I saw eight times in the theatre, with whoever I could drag in, and at least 100 times since then. This time though...meh.

The everything that made it everything is simply gone. I want my Jack back, and not in the 'from the dead' sense.

On the way out, my mum was babbling on about all the storylines in it and where she thinks it's --obviously-- going. I pointed out one tidbit I noticed, involving lockets--one in Davy Jones's possession and the other at Tia's--which may not having any meaning at all. Oooh aaaaah. I picked the same connection out in the HP books. Amazing. Mayhaps Davy Jones was having an affair with Voldemort's kerazy mummy?

But all I could say after that was how I regret it being told in this fashion. Reduced to this, almost. The first movie was, to me, the perfect story even with any slight imperfections. It couldn't have ended any better, IMO, and they took that from me. The perfect people got their straight orderly lives and Jack got his wonderful fringed world.

I loved being able to imagine where it was going from there. I loved seeing other people's visions. I may have made and seen Jack go down with the ship any number of times but it was never in such a cheap, worthless fashion.

I wanted another perfect ending to the chapter.

I'm not even going to start on how mad I am about Jack's easy willingness to abandon the Pearl like that. Uuugh. I could have lived without having seen that. Wtf, man. You spend ten years and...ARGH. No. Just no.

On plus side, I have the revived urge to write PotC fic in order to scrub the DMC residue from my brain or at least bleach it to a cleaner, more understandable state.

I want it to be three years ago again. Or maybe even next year cause I'm a silly girl with hope and an unwavering love for the Cap'n despite all...

potc, life

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