I need to stop doing this...

Dec 27, 2005 01:14

I've discovered that writing Hakkai is harder when it is for more than a drabble. He's so...*waves hands about*....not out-there. Therefore, I no longer like him. Or, rather, I have a grudging respect for the lad. These two things often co-exist with me.

The Producers seems like it would be better on stage. But the blonde Nazi dude is hot in a disturbing way. And Will Ferrel is funny for the first time. Woo!

Anyhoodle, meme thing I stole from Poe:

1. How tall are you?
5'5" ish.

2. Do you own a gun?
Naw. I leave that to the men of the house.

3. Rehab? Counseling?
I've never gotten to that 'admitting you havea problem' bit.

4. Have you ever killed an animal?
Noooes. A goose bit me once though and I was tempted.

5. Are you Irish?

6. What do you think of hot dogs?

7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
I'm a sucker for Winter Wonderland.

8. What is your favorite smell?

9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Water and coffee

10. Do you do push-ups?

11. Have you ever done marijuana?
No. To many examples of why I shouldn't in high school.

12. Have you been shot?
At, yes. Actually shot, no.

13. Have you ever been hospitalized?

14. Do you like painkillers?
I need nothing!

15. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?

16. Do you own a knife?

17. Do you have A.D.D?
Sometimes I think I do.

18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings?
Makes me sleepy *_*

19. Name five drinks you regularly drink:
water, coffee, tea...water....water.

20. What's in your CD player?
Wicked -_-

21. What's under your bed?
An American Girl doll. Platform boots, platform Mary Janes, normal Mary Janes, snow boots, and a DDR pad.

22. Current hair?
Is longish, curly, and slightly red. I'm thinking it needs a-changing soon.

23. What are you wearing?
flanel pants and a shirt that says "Pillaging, Drinking, Flogging, Wenching: these are a few of my favorite things." Also known as my pajamas.

24. Current worry?
Life omg.

25. Current loves?
My arm, which smells amazingly good for some reason O_O

26. Current hates?
LIFEomg. Also, that annoying video game dude.

27. Favorite place to be?
Where I am.

28. Least favorite place to be?
Where I am. And the subway when it's hot.

29. Can you play a musical instrument?
I play a mean chopsticks.

30. Favorite color?
Black blue green.

31. Person(s) from your past with whom you wish you could be right now?

32. Where would you like to go?
Now? I'm thinking Europe. Or Disney! Love that place, man.

33. Where do you want to live?
In a nice house.

34. Favorite food?
toffee pudding, fool!

35. Number of pillows you sleep with?

36. What do you wear when you go to sleep?
See: what I'm wearing now.

37. What were you doing at 12:00 AM last night?
Writing Poe's birfday gift *shuffles foot and whistles*

38. What do you think you'll be doing in ten years?
I will likely be terrorizing feloow cubicle dwellers and hiding under a mosquito net after switching them to decaf.

39. First piercing/tattoo?
Gots my ears pierced when I was 4 months old. And my Flamel tattoo this summer.

40. Latest crush?
None to speak of.

41. Last thing you ate?
Rice with some lettuce stuff and meat-like stuff. Aka whatever Thutrang put in my little bowl thing.

42. If you could be a pirate, would you?
What do you mean? I AM a pirate. Clearly.

43. Do you have an iPod?
Yarr. It's name is Shuuichi. For it is tiny, pink, and sings.

44. When and why did you last vomit?
Friday night. My stomach hates me.

45. What's in your pockets right now?
I have no pockets and this makes me sad.

46. What color are your bedroom walls?

47. Last thing that made you laugh?
I dunno. Something Thutrang said/yelled most likely.

48. Any pets now?
Sparky. I was seven when I named him leavemealone.

49. Innie or an outty?

50. Do you have any piercings?

51. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Burnt orange.

52. Have you ever won any awards?
Academic ones, mostly.

53. How many TVs do you have in your house?

54. Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone?

55. If you could pick one person to make out with, who would it be?
Anyone? Depp. Hands down.

56. What do you think of the person who posted this before you?
He rockzorz.

57. What are your initials?

58. Ever been given a ring?

59. Longest relationship?
AHAHA I mock you, question.

60. Last gift you gave?
I gave my dad a Pirates of the Caribbean snowglobe. And we laughed.

61. Last gift you received?
Money money money.

62. How many times have you dropped your cell?
Only a dozen times or so. Not bad for five years.

63. Last sport played?
Dancing. Totally a sport.

64. Where do you live?
Over around Boston.

65. High school you attend(ed):
Pope John. Schuldig envied me my schoolgirl outfit.

66. Cell phone service provider?
Verizon. The fucktards.

67. Favorite mall store?

68. Longest job held?
I'm more of a free agent, really.

69. Do you prank call people?

70. Last wedding attended?

71. First friend you would call if you won the lottery?
Probably Thutrang. So I can tell her we're going to Japan.

72. Last time you attended church?
Saturday. And I didn't understand half of it. Since when do they say masses in Creole?

73. Favorite lake?

74. How many Harry Potters book have you read?
All of them. Bought at midnight. Don't judge me.

75. How old are you?

76. Favorite fast food restaurant?
They all make my stomach hate me more.

77. Biggest lie you've heard?
Donald Trump's hair is real.

78. Where do you work?
Not working. Schooling. Though I am working New Years =T

79. What's your favorite flowers?

80. Can you cook?
I made cookies! And calzones! Under intense supervision!

81. Car you drive?

82. Worst kisser?

83. Most hated food?
A lot of things.

84. Thing you hate most about yourself?
A lot of things.

85. Have a secret you can't tell?
Not really.

86. Favorite soda?
Fresca. I am an eighties child.

87. Can you sing?
I can sing Broadway. Cause not all of them are really that good...

88. Last concert attended?
Dropkick Murphys, last year. I almost got smooches =D

89. Last movie rented?
I watched Pooh's Heffalump movein On Demand. Socuteomg. He was English. How adorable it that?

90. Favorite person's myspace?

meme, life

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