gogoangelgunboy gave me an early birthday gift
here so that I can ogle Brett for hours and hours and hours XD So go and look because anything Gabe-kitty draws is worth looking at *kissu*
I'm going shopping on Newbury street tomorrow. I have never really gone shopping there before, though I've walked up and down it enough times and wandered into stores, so tomorrow will be a first. And only to get new stompy boots, as my old ones met there tragic fate at The Witching Hour and the Mother unit has deemed them unrepairable. RIP Stompy Boots 2001-2005. Was gonna go to Salem too but I'm not desperate enough to challenge the Halloweeners so close to...well, Halloween. They're scary, man.
And on a completely random note, I watched Smallville today and got to see James Marsters be not-Spike on a tv show. Truly a bizarre experience. He's still a smartass though which makes me happy. Also, the commercial for next weeks ep does. Halloween ep. Vampires. And of course they have a clip of James's character saying "There's no such thing as vampires" because the producers know fangirls/boys. Crafty bastards.
Yes, this was more or less a random post. I'm vegging. Yay!
ETA: I have the bizarre urge to write a sequel to that HP/FMA crossover I wrote forever ago for
inthefire2002. Because apperantly people are actually reading it. Despite the cracktness of it all. I boggle.
Also, David Letterman said people will have an average of 16 hours of sex in their lifetime. I learn something every day....