Kitten Spam XD

May 12, 2007 21:44

So today went slightly weird.

Bust my MP3 player
Had three missed calls, one from a number that doesn't exist apparently all around seven am.
Got up late, only got half the cleaning done.
Got on a train with a quintet of loud drunken Irishmen who were randomly wolf whistling. Every fifteen seconds.
Got rained on.
Nearly got trampled on walking through Chester.

Positives :):
Toe. My gorgeous ragdoll. And he makes it more than worth all the negatives. He's my baby boy and he's coming home soon! Three and a half weeks.

Click on the ones of Toe on his own (especially the last two) to see huge pictures of my baby, refused to resize them since he's gorgeous! (Just ignore my lack of cuteness XD) (edit: for some reason photobucket will not let you resize them at livejournal. The bottom two are 800x600 at my photobucket, but they're big enough down there!)

First one: This is Toe protesting being woken up and moved (from the blanket on my knee). So he decided to take over both of my arms!

Second: This actually happened before the above picture, when he just kinda went "Stretch,FLOOMPH!" Boobs clearly = cushions in cat minds. Though ragdolls can grow up to 15-20lbs. So I don't think he'll be doing this for long!

Third: More of his "I shall not move" complaints XD I love this kitten so much already!

Fourth: Karen, the lovely woman I'm getting Toe from, took this picture (Just ignore my uglymug! XD) as Toe was waking up just enough to get himself comfy.

Fifth: Cuddle time!

The rest are self explanatory! Face shots of the gorgeous, gorgeous little boy I'm adopting.

These two are my absolute favourites, I could make a photographer yet! The kitten you see in the background in the lady's arm is Munch, full after his dinner and having his belly scratched. Holly is in the basket and Widget was up on the right of me on the cat post.


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