Oct 19, 2008 00:50
So around midnight all hell breaks loose. I'd ignored some noise earlier, morons shouting at each other and went back to sleep. Only this time there is this incredible mechanical noise so I get up to find out what the hell is going on. I open my door to see a fireman who promptly waves me back inside my flat.
Two fireengines, one out front and one out back. Two unmarked policecars. And the god awful noise of that machine they use to pump water practically outside my door. And of course I'm starting to panic, hearing someone shout something about an evacuation and not being able to find out anything about what was going on for about fourty five minutes.
Some moron thought it'd be clever to set two traffic cones on fire on the landing of the floor above mine. I got woke up by firemen shouting and what I guessed to be the machine they use to pump water. It's twenty to one in the morning. I'm not happy and I have to be up at seven am. Wondered what the hell it was. The policeman I flagged down, I'm on the ground floor between both entrances to the flat complex so I hear every coming and going, said that the smoke was so black and thick you couldn't see through it. Thankfully no one was hurt.
My throat is raw, not sure whether it was what they use to drive the machines (petrol maybe?) or smoke from upstairs. Don't think it's done much good for my asthma. Hearts a bit racy but not sure whether that's my asthma or the shock. Was worried we would have to be evacuated at one point. Which would have been doable but would have had two very unhappy cats in one catbox.
So all in all, I'm okay just a bit shaky. But like I said, thankfully no one was hurt.