Yesterday, while waiting to go for my usual bodypump class, I decided to go for a body fat analysis.
Quite curious to see what my bodyfat content is. After all, the last time I did such an analysis was in 2005. In 4 years, a lot could have changed - the location of the international Olympics for example.
Anyway, I was told to take off my shoes and this trainer kindly guided me onto the analysis machine that looked like the product of hot cyborg sex between a weighing machine and a jackport machine.
The metal plates I must stand on felt intensive & invasively cold to the touch. The metal arms I had to cling onto rather ridiculously felt cold to the point that i can feel blood draining out from me.
When he turned on the machine, some guilt-catalyst must be within its functions: guilty rememberance that aside from my weekly yoga and bodypump, I haven’t been doing a lot of exercise. Plus the fact that I drive to work every day now, my walking distance has also been reduced by a good bit.
Whatever it is, don’t let me exceed 20% bodyfat, I prayed under my breath.
“Congrats, 11.8%.” The trainer said.
The bad news is: most of them are concentrated around your trunk region.
What should I do? I wondered aloud with the trainer.
As expected, he said, you need to go for PT trainings…okay, you can also go for bodi-licious classes and bodypump and ABT.
Wonder if there are any further tips to cut down on my bulkier, cellulite infested trunk region - that does not include cutting out alcohol from my diet (it is a separate food group).