Dec 26, 2010 11:19
One week to Singapore, I missed the place an awful lot
Thinking about a nice cup of coffee
About the perpetual hot weather as it hovered at 4 degrees in YS
About meeting friends again.
Yet now, just 24 hours before I leave, my thoughts switch to what I'll be leaving behind
The comfort of a nice bed I've stayed in the last few months
The efficient public transport system of fast MTR and minibuses
Hanging out with exchange students (but some will come visit =)
Climbing stairs to the awesome internship and an expat lifestyle.
Walking past the Blind Association on the way to climb
Walking past awesome scenery to the gym: mix of rural and urban HK is.
The people I've met climbing /visiting church and unexpected friendships.
Pass /fail classes with minimal workload: 100% research paper FTW.
Hospital food even.
So I've done my last tour of HK and gotten full with the food,
Just spending the last few moments with some friends I've made.
Say my thankyous and goodbyes
As you pack up, you leave some things behind, decide what to take back
Memories and the friendships at the very least.
But there is much back home as well.
Friends who sent random emails, postcards, MSN and FB convos.
A, J, C for helping me with one of my biggest worries: I appreciate it so much.
Those that offered to come to the airport.
The feeling of being loved.
There are things I don't have,stuff I didn't do, sights I didn't see.
But I have a lot.
I am thankful.