
Gotta love pre-season finale marathons...

Oct 02, 2011 23:36

...and the technology to watch them without having to be trapped in front of the TV as they actually air.

I am now caught up on Doctor Who, aside from the last Christmas episode (which I haven't been able to find on Netflix, for some reason). It's so strange watching this show with commercial breaks; you can really tell it wasn't written with them in mind. Incidentally, since I'm sure you're all dying to know, I rather like Eleven. He's no Nine, but he's WAAAAAAY better than Ten. I also like Amy better than any of the companions besides Martha, and even Rory grew on me over the course of their first season.

Still not at all interested in River, even knowing what I now know. Oh well. At least she's not, you know, Rose or something.

In completely unrelated fandomness, really hating Glee fandom right now. It feels like all the fic posted the last few days has been either RPF, which you all know I find creepy, or based on spoilers for three episodes from now. And thanks to the spoiler warnings, I'm far more aware than i would ever want to be that the episode in question will somehow involve Character 1, Character 2, and Topic A. Why, why, WHY is the concept of not wanting to be spoiled so hard for people to understand?? (In my case, it's not a matter of wanting to be surprised so much as not wanting time to get myself worked up over something that will probably have been taken completely out of context, so that I'm either all upset over what turns out to be no big deal, or all excited over something that's the complete opposite of what it looked like. Why no, I haven't been burned by both Joss Whedon and JJ Abrams, why do you ask?)

I don't know what I'm going to do all night, since there's no readable fic of interest and I left the book I'm in the middle of at work. Oh well, at least now that I have cable there's guaranteed to be a Law and Order of some sort on at any time if I really get bored, even if we discount On Demand.
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