TEXT // gonna do something killer c'mon give it a try

Mar 26, 2011 12:10

Yesterday the good people of the barge voted to eliminate Sylvanas. She was taken out behind the barn, promised many rabbits to pet, and shot in the head.

[Jason, why you gotta ignore Arthas' advice.]

Sylvanas was not a mafioso ( Read more... )

so i didn't *ask* if you wanted to play, to hell with good intentions, rocks fall everyone dies, [game: lastvoyages], nothing can go wrong with this plan??, leave the gun. take the cannoli.

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rayney_day March 26 2011, 16:43:52 UTC
Stop putting out this crap around the psychopath zoo. I mean it.


feverprophecy March 26 2011, 16:47:28 UTC
There was once a wise king who ruled over a vast city. He was feared for his might and loved for his wisdom. Now in the heart of the city, there was a well whose waters were pure and crystalline from which the king and all the inhabitants drank. When all were asleep, an enemy entered the city and poured seven drops of a strange liquid into the well. And he said that henceforth all who drink this water shall become mad.

All the people drank of the water, but not the king. And the people began to say, "The king is mad and has lost his reason. Look how strangely he behaves. We cannot be ruled by a madman, so he must be dethroned."

The king grew very fearful, for his subjects were preparing to rise against him. So one evening, he ordered a golden goblet to be filled from the well, and he drank deeply. The next day, there was great rejoicing among the people, for their beloved king had finally regained his reason.


rayney_day March 26 2011, 16:56:14 UTC
You know we've got a bunch of folks who get off on this, right? Like, people who read this shit about graphic murder and spaz their junk all over the page. They're imagining this shit happening and wanting to try it, just that little bit more.

You want to play whatever the hell kind of game this is, make it private to whoever's involved.

If you've got a fairytale fetish, then read up on 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf', 'cause that's all you are now.


feverprophecy March 26 2011, 17:01:15 UTC
Please, you call this graphic?

I've been nothing but forthright about this being just a game. [LOL no you haven't, Jason.] Your literary comparison is entirely inaccurate. If you can't get something so basic right, I wonder what kind of "insights" you have into your inmate's problems.

But that's of no consequence to me. I guess if ~Patrick~ says so, I'll stop.


rayney_day March 26 2011, 17:07:28 UTC
Nuh-uh. You've been as ambiguous as can be.

Luckily, masturbating over roadkill isn't one of Adam's problems - but I've had others who that did apply to.


feverprophecy March 26 2011, 17:11:32 UTC
I'm sorry, but just because you didn't get it doesn't mean the fault lies with me.


rayney_day March 26 2011, 18:33:07 UTC
Tell you what, go find a shark tank, cut your hand and then dunk it in. Then come tell me risking something like this has no consequences.


feverprophecy March 26 2011, 18:40:52 UTC
If I want to use your really terrible analogy, I've had my hand in the shark tank for over three days and nothing's happened. Probably because your assessment of how the inmates on this ship are capable of dealing with a game says more about you and your ability to deal with it as a game than it does them.

But by all means, grandma, keep grousing. KIDS THESE DAYS...


rayney_day March 26 2011, 19:06:17 UTC
Depends how patient the sharks are. Point is, you fanning flames like this is not helping matters. You don't go leaving razor blades around a mental asylum and you don't go in a theatre and shout "FIRE!"

'Cause that's what assholes do.

By the by, I know a couple of others around here who call what they do 'games', too. The kind of games you don't want to be a part of.


feverprophecy March 26 2011, 19:11:15 UTC
You are really terrible at analogies — the whole point in comparing inmates to sharks is to impose animalistic qualities on the people, not impose human qualities on the shark, thus completely defeating the point — and you apparently think everyone is retarded. Just... stop. It's kind of depressing.

Re: games, I'll be the judge of that, thanks. [LOL HI HOFFMAN]


rayney_day March 26 2011, 19:15:02 UTC
No, it's to point out you're in a dangerous enclosed environment.


feverprophecy March 26 2011, 19:19:11 UTC
Yes. Pointing out the danger by implying that inmates don't have people compunctions, they have animal instincts. Except you then imbued the sharks with people patience, so never mind??

Just. Words. Stop. Try interpretative dance or something, it has to be less painful.


rayney_day March 26 2011, 19:23:22 UTC
The way you're trying to squirm out of the concept of responsibility in all of this is enough to make Houdini blush.


feverprophecy March 26 2011, 19:26:25 UTC
That would imply I give a damn if anyone dies, or that wasn't my intention in the first place. Neither of which you should rule out or take for granted, grandma warden, given that I'm a dangerous shark-like inmate. (But also patient.)


rayney_day March 26 2011, 19:28:12 UTC
Intentions and consequences aren't necessarily the same thing, in case you missed out on the whole, y'know... Life experience thing.

But then, you did wind up here, so...


feverprophecy March 26 2011, 19:30:29 UTC
This place really has no shortage of thick people. I'm beginning to wonder if I was too harsh on Rex.


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