Sep 26, 2009 01:37
Oh man, so tired. But need to recap on today.
Had Starbucks in the morning (leftover from last night). Got on the bus and began writing up a history for Blood Dupre, mainly to see how much I retained from reading the series last night (read: rereading). It was an amusing time and it really made my day a bit brighter. SO. I get to school and wander into English. Where I proceed to ... print off my questions and outline and talk with Kimmy about history and whatnot/ what have you.
Then English starts. We're reading King Lear (AGAIN AFTER THE SUMMER GOD DAMN YOU), and I saw that my grade was apparently a 78. Dude, i was this close to having a mental breakdown. I didn't see how handing in all my homework ,doing well on quizzes, and all that jazz made my grade LOWER STILL.
So I begrudingly went to bio. Alison had almost convinced me to drop AP English and I sauntered into the lunch room to tell the other five people in my English class that I was dropping. Well... lunch consisted of me working the Blood-Drive signups (you know, president duties and stufffff ) and studying for a history quiz I probably failed.
At history, we complained the entire time about AP English and the teacher. In fact, our AP History teacher left the room unexpectedly, and came back a bit later claiming he talked to her and said he had mutiny in his class. I don't even -- that's epic.
So after that I went to Marketing. I told Mrs. Galligan about my issue and she was like "Go talk with her" so she let me leave her class to talk to the lady. Uh. It was like the last five minutes of class so I was like "I AM WORRIED ABOUT MY GRADE WHAT CAN I DO TO GET THIS UP I HATE THIS GRADE" and basically she was vague but I have an 80 somehow, and not a 78. WHICH STILL IS BAD BUT no a C. We have a test on Monday and yeah.
Mrs. Bastien also is going to talk to the crazy lady because she heard what David and I have in English and she is so confused. LOL And that reminds me. That crazy english teacher lady was confused while reading King lear. ARen't teachers, you know, supposed to know what's going on in the book ? Hasn't she read it like a million times.....
Anyhow, Ms. Belisle gave me a packet after convincing me not to drop the class. The packet? A nomination for the Nutmeg scholarship at UCONN, which, if I got it, would give me a full ride plus room and board and fees covered, in comparison to the other scholarship that just has tutition.
...And if I get the Nutmeg I can LIVE ON CAMPUS.
So...fingers-crossed, yes.
Too tired to talk about after-school.