rp for layered_con

Nov 07, 2008 23:03

Martha had been following the tragedy of Oceanic Flight 815 since its mysterious disappearance, and along with several of her colleagues in the Senate, had attempted to investigate. Of course, they had no idea what they were dealing with.

Now with the return of the Oceanic 6, things seemed to make even less sense than before. As much as she wanted ( Read more... )

[rp], friend: sawyer, verse: dc

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layered_con November 8 2008, 10:13:53 UTC
James grinned at the doorman as he walked casually into Martha's building, cocking a finger gun at the man with one hand as James hitched up his slacks with the other hand. The stuffily clad man seemed to be expecting James and did nothing but grimace slightly as James strolled his way into the waiting elevator.

As the elevator droned up to Martha's floor, James rocked on his heels and hummed to himself, holding a paper bag under his arm, in it a pretty damn nice bottle a Southern Comfort whiskey. He had been back in the States fer a good month or so now, and while calling up Martha hadn't been the first thing on his list of shit ta do, stopping by in Metropolis to see the beautiful redhead certainly weren't the last.

He stepped off the elevator and was stopped only once by a couple a awe-struck young kids who recognized him as bein' in the Oceanic 6, then rapped his knuckles on the door Martha had told 'im was hers. He grinned to himself again, loosenin' his tie some, and lookin' forward to the night and whatever might come with it.


fever_crusade November 8 2008, 10:23:48 UTC
She takes a point to straighten herself out a little before opening the door.

She breathes a sigh of relief - he really is alive after all, and standing right there in front of her - and smiles warmly. "So. Are we going with James or Sawyer tonight?"


layered_con November 8 2008, 11:22:34 UTC
"James is fine, Red," James said, grinning widely and holding out the bottle he had brought with. "Or whatever you're comfortable with, really. S'nice apartment buildin'."


fever_crusade November 8 2008, 11:34:46 UTC
She nods. "James. I like it, it looks good on you."

Then she steps back from the door, gesturing for him to come inside. "I see you brought whiskey. Planning to drink me under the table?"


layered_con November 8 2008, 20:28:13 UTC
"Hell, I'm fine with whatever plans ya got fer tonight, babe," James says, stepping inside her apartment. Damn, he's glad he called Martha. He already feels more relaxed than he has in months.

"Weren't sure what else ta bring, since ya insisted ya had dinner covered." He shrugged, feeling a mite embarrassed as his Southern upbringing started to show.


fever_crusade November 8 2008, 20:37:14 UTC
She leads him into the kitchen, where she's still finishing up dinner, and gestures for him to have a seat at the island. It's been a long, long time since she's had anyone to cook for, not since she moved to Washington.

"Well. I'll admit, it's been a...long time since I've had whiskey, not since college, I think. But I suppose there's no one better to drink it with than you," she says with a smile, tending to the stove. "I hope you like pot roast."


layered_con November 9 2008, 17:43:05 UTC
"Happy ta help ya relieve your youth, Red," James drawled, leaning his elbows on the island and lacing his fingers over his chest. "In any way I can.

"And, yeah, roast sounds fine. So how've you been?"


fever_crusade November 9 2008, 19:14:16 UTC
"Busy," she replies, finishing up with the roast. "A Senator's work is never done. But enough about me, I'm not the one who just got off an island. What have you been up to since you've been back?"

With that, she walks over to a cabinet to retrieve the dishes, but her very distinct lack of height limits her. "Would you mind...?"


layered_con November 9 2008, 20:20:51 UTC
James chuckles as he pushes himself off of the island and walks over to the cupboard. "No problem." He reaches up easily and takes down a few dishes. "This what ya wanted?

"I've been pretty damn busy, too. Just.. gettin' used ta everythin' again. My life's basically a hundred percent changed." He shrugs, frowning a little.


fever_crusade November 9 2008, 20:33:16 UTC
"Thank you," she says, taking the dishes. "I bet it is changed. For the better or for the worse?"

She pushes the dishes down on the island. "Do you mind if we eat out here? The dining room's been doubling as my office lately, it's a sight to be be seen."


layered_con November 9 2008, 21:11:21 UTC
"Nah, this is fine, babe. Homey."

He sits down at the island, internally amused at how his life always returns ta islands, and answers her other question, "I don't know yet. Certainly can't be who I used ta be, not when the whole world knows my face." He shrugs, smiling crookedly. "Weird, but not sure that's bad yet. Might be, uh, meetin' my daughter soon, I guess."


fever_crusade November 9 2008, 21:19:01 UTC
She smiles, nodding. "I know the feeling." She may have no idea what it means to be on a desert island, but she does know what it's like to suddenly have your face plastered all over television screens ad nauseum.

She brings the pot roast over to the table, then grabs a bottle of wine. They'll save the whiskey for whatever later might be. "You're going to meet your daughter? James, that's wonderful. I'm thrilled for you. Where is she living?"


layered_con November 9 2008, 21:23:26 UTC
"Uh, Alburquerque. Least, last I heard, that's where she was. She must be like, I don't know, three or somethin' now. Her mom sent me a letter the other day, yellin' at me and shit, and I figured I can't really avoid that whole thing much longer." He shrugs, slighty regretting bringing it up. "How's yer boy?"


fever_crusade November 9 2008, 21:27:00 UTC
She pours them both a glass then sits down across from him. "Well, I guess that's one way to instigate a meeting," she says. "Clark is doing well. At least I assume, as I rarely hear from him these days. I know he's busy back home in Metropolis. He's always busy, with one thing or another. But it makes for a very...quiet time of it for me here in DC."


layered_con November 9 2008, 21:29:01 UTC
Raising his glass in a toast, James crooks a smile at her. "'Bout time you had yer own life, then, at least. Seems like a nice one ya got here, too."


fever_crusade November 9 2008, 21:31:49 UTC
She clinks her glass against his, then takes a long sip. "I suppose. Every day is nothing but work. I stay at the office as long as possible so that I don't have to come home to this...quiet. I'm not used to it. I'm used to living on a farm full of people. Now there's just this empty apartment."

She shakes her head, shrugging it off. "But enough of my sob story. I guess tonight is more about new beginnings, now that you're back and all."


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