justprompts - Tens

Oct 11, 2008 01:59

Ten things you have to do this week

1. Win an election
2. Re-teach myself to make banana nut muffins
3. Take my car in to get the oil changed
4. Win an election
5. [locked from Clark and Eirene] Fully come to terms with this wedding. [/locked]
6. Get Chloe and Lois to have a movie night with me.
7. Win an election.
8. Finish re-reading Tender is the Night for the fourth time.
9. Dig out my wedding dress and have it drycleaned.
10. Stop spending all my free time flipping through photo albums from Clark’s childhood.

Ten talents you wish you had

1. Fencing
2. Writing (well, I’d like to be better)
3. Persuasion
4. Crocheting
5. Choreographing
6. Oratory command
7. Cross-examination
8. Drawing
9. Heavy lifting (hey, that’s a talent on a farm)
10. Making people happy

verse: original, family: chloe, [justprompts], work: campaign, family: lois, family: clark

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