snagged from the Colonel

Oct 03, 2008 02:00

01. Televison show: The X-Files
02. Flower: Tulips. Preferably red.
03. Color: Red.
04. Sport: Football, but only by default.
05. Picture of yourself: Ugh.
06. Music: Classic rock
07. Food: I like chicken parmaesan
08. Season: Fall
09. Animal: None cows?
10. Quote:  “A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.” - Sophia Loren

01. Hometown: Metropolis
02. Hair color: Red
03. Hair length: A little past my shoulders
04. Hair style: Uh. Normal?
05. Eye color: Blue
06. Shoe size: 6 1/2
07. Mood: Generally pleasant
08. Orientation: Straight
09. Available?: No.
10. Lefty/righty: Righty.

01. Have you ever been in love: Yes.
02. Do you believe in love: Oh, yes. Quite a bit.
03. Why did your last relationship fail? Because I met my husband.
04. Have you ever been heartbroken?: Not really.
05. Have you ever broken someone's heart: Yes.
06. Have you ever fallen for your best friend: No.
07. Have you ever loved someone but never told them: Yes.
08. Are you afraid of commitment: Yes.
09. Do you have a secret admirer: I’m not sure. It wouldn’t really be a secret if I knew about it.
10. Do you believe in love at first sight: Well. A little.

01. Love or money: Love.
02. Hard liquor or beer: Hard liquor. I don’t like the taste of beer much.
04. One night stands or relationships: Relationships.
05. Television or internet: Internet.
06. Pepsi or coke: Neither
07. Wild night out or romantic night in: Romantic night in
08. Colored or black and white pictures: Black and white
09. Phone or in person: In person.
10. AIM or myspace: AIM, I guess

01. Are you missing someone right now: Yes.
02. Are you happy: For the most part.
03. Are you talking to anyone right now: Not at the moment.
04. Are you bored: No.
05. Are you German: No.
06. Are you Irish: Oh, yes. 
07. Are you French: No.
08. Are you Italian: No.
09. Are your parents still married: They probably would be if my mother was still alive.
10. Do you like someone right now: Uh, my husband.

verse: original, [memes], friend: colonel sheppard

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