get out the vote!

Sep 04, 2008 12:05

So, the Get Out the Vote rally was this afternoon and, following a bit of a nervous breakdown I was able to pull myself together and thanks to Perry White's formidable co-hosting abilities, I was able to pull off addressing over 3,000 people live. I really didn't think I had it in me, but the rally was a rousing success.

Perry and me doing our "banter" thing, if you could call it that. Look at me, brave enough to wear my glasses in front of 3,000 people.

I'll admit, it was fun to play the straight man to his comic.

I don't even know what was going on here but apparently it required me to make a face like this.

*laughs* And uh, this.

At least I didn't pass out!

With Perry before the show. was fun. I might even do it again given the chance. Although I never could have done it without him. Finally, an event with the press in attendance that didn't end in total disaster.

friend: perry white, work: campaign

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