rp for hell_of_heaven

Oct 25, 2009 12:09

Martha loves the autumn, almost more than any other season. She always looks forward to that calm, crisp transitional period in between summer and winter, the two seasons she is the least fond of. She loves the colors the autumn draws out on the farm, loves to watch the changes. It suits her, both emotionally and physically. Fall colors bring out her own natural coloring, and the late fall chill is exactly the right kind of weather to suit her deposition. Cool and calm, but still with that hint of warmth left over from the summer months.

She's loved sharing the season with Gracie, who sits with her on the porch in her little hat and stares at the falling leaves in awe, her eyes instinctively drawn to motion of any and every kind. Whenever she sees something she likes, she gestures wildly at it - never a gesture that translates to actual modern culture, but always enthusiastic. Martha will let her crawl in the leaves as Jonathan rakes them up, and watch as his frustration is inevitably thwarted by love.

It's a season Martha loves to share with people - over pumpkin spice lattes or with a drive through the country. It feels like it's been ages since she's seen Lionel, and even longer since Gracie has. When Jonathan and Clark head to Metropolis for a baseball game - an event wherein she'd claw her eyes if she'd been forced to attend - she buddles the baby up in just the right amount of clothing to suit the weather, and drives over to the Luthor Mansion. She parks up at the top of the driveway, far from prying eyes, and as they move up the walkway toward the front door, she talks back to Gracie's jibberish as if she understands every nonsensical word.

She rings the bell, adjusting the bag on one shoulder and Gracie on her hip as she waits.

verse: original, friend: lionel luthor, [rp], family: grace

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