couples_therapy - courage

Aug 03, 2009 21:10

“It takes courage to do what you’re doing.”

It doesn’t matter how many time Lois says it, Martha will always have a hard time believing it’s true. She’s heard that those who make themselves vulnerable enough to sit in front of a therapist are the bravest of all., but it’s easy to sit. It’s easy to nod, smile, turn away, cross your legs, and wring your hands. The hardest part is going home, stepping outside that office and being knocked over by everything you’ve just learned about yourselves, all the truths that have been revealed, the cracks that reach the surface. It’s one thing to talk about it, and another to deal with it.

After every session, she can hardly look at Perry. Every session goes well, each one is productive and cathartic, but outside the office she starts to feel uncomfortable with all that knowledge. It’s like knowing about a crime and reconciling whether or not to say something.

She’s haunted by two former lovers, one dead and one alive, and still fighting the restrained, overachieving childhood that broke her so long ago. She has a side of her that’s entirely overemotional, warm, and raw contending with the other side of her that is determined to wipe away all traces of human emotion in exchange for a stoic calm. Meanwhile, Perry is so eager to please her and keep her that he’s lost all semblance of self. He wants only what he believes she wants, with not the vaguest idea of his own desires.

Their therapist is fascinated by this former U.S. Senator and the king of Metropolis press. Martha surmises that if they only found themselves as fascinating, it would eliminate the need for therapy altogether.

Muse: Martha Kent
Fandom: Smallville
Word Count: 287
Partner: Perry White (to_littleville; RP)

friend: perry white, [couples_therapy], verse: aftershocks

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