[ooc] i never do these...

Jul 06, 2009 16:02

I posted this a few minutes ago and then deleted it because I realized I wouldn't have answers for a lot of my characters because I'm so neglectful. So, I'm going to narrow it down to Martha, Perry, and Grace. And I could probably do some of the questions for Lisa. But I haven't played movieverse Lana in ages, and I'm still getting a hold on my True Blood characters. So. Okay.

Pick one of my characters (or more than one) and I'll tell you...

→ why I decided to play this character
→ my favorite scene or bit of interaction concerning this character to date
→ my favorite original aspect about this character (world-building for ocs or head-canon for fcs)
→ the last thing they did "off screen"
→ what their last words would be if they died tomorrow
→ what the next thing I'm doing for them is (narrative, post, shelving, whatever)

» I will tell you what character of yours I'd like to play mine against
» you may ask me a free question ♥

Characters: (I am such a predictable mun. And really neglectful of everyon.)
Martha Kent (fever_crusade)
Perry White (to_littleville)
Grace Kent (givemeclouds)
Lisa Bridges (nash_vortex)

[ooc], [memes part trois]

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