a list for makeyourlist and an old survey from JP

Jun 14, 2009 18:16

Make a list of exes you still think of frequently

-My husband.
-Lionel, because I still talk to him nearly every day.
-Scott Holden, because I have to watch him stand silently next to his boss every day on C-SPAN.
-Danny Schwartz, because Grace is friends with his daughter.

Describe a perfect night out with friends:
Wine, pie, and an old movie. Although that's more of a perfect night i.

Do you tend to over-analyze situations?:
Most of the time.

Which holiday is your favorite, and why?:
I like all holidays, but Christmas is the one that gives me that cliched warm, fuzzy feeling.

Have you ever been described as greedy or selfish?:
Not to my face.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?:
Someone who feels a lot better about herself than she did ten years ago. Who also has one hell of a body for being middle-aged.

Would you like to have children someday?:
Too late!

What bothers you the most about the opposite sex?:
Dense. Oh, so dense.

What bothers you the most about the same sex?:
We're overemotional to the point where it often clouds our judgement.

Would you rather paint or draw a picture?:

What is your biggest fear?:
Losing those I love.

Has your best friend ever betrayed you?:
No. And she better not.

How do you handle immense stress?:
Talking it out. Popping the occasional Xanax. Doing a meme.

What is your opinion on the legal drinking age of 21?:
I actually wrote a position paper on this a few years ago for my Senate committee. I think it should be eighteen.

What is your favorite meal?:
I love Steak Diane.

Who can you talk to when you have a serious problem or need good advice?:
Perry, Lois, Lionel, or maybe one of my kids.

Are you currently on any sort of diet?:
Oh, that I were.

When was the last time you went to the doctor, and why?:
Before going to Paris. Typical going out of the country check up. I like to play it safe.

Who was/is your favorite teacher in high school?:
Oh, gosh, I wish I could remember that far back.

On a scale of 1-10, rate your level of happiness today.:

Have you ever been in a severe car accident?:

Which of your hobbies are you best at?:
Cooking and knitting.

Have you ever swam with dolphins?:

Would you consider yourself to be an optimistic person?:

What is your favorite appliance/electronic device?:
Does the oven count?

What was your 2009 New Years Resolution?:
I didn't make one.

Have you been sticking to it?:

Finally, which traits do you love about yourself?:
I was a good Senator, and I'm a good mom. I'm happy with that.

[memes part deux], [makeyourlist], verse: aftershocks

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