paris je t'aime, etc.

May 18, 2009 20:48

I spent the weekend preparing and packing. For those of you I didn't tell, Perry's taking me to Paris for two weeks. (Two weeks!) We're leaving Wednesday, so Lois has been taking me shopping, with the hopes that I'll blend in once we arrive. I speak French quite fluently, but I am Tracy McTourist so I think there's very little chance I won't stand out.

My oh-so-helpful daughter took this picture of us to prove that we're already tourists and we haven't even left yet. But I don't think we're that bad, do you?

...Okay maybe a little. Anyway. We're not not exactly strangers to traveling, but most of the traveling we've done has been on business, with the Senate and the Planet, so if anyone has any tips - Paris specific or otherwise, we'd be grateful. Actually Grace might be more grateful since she's the one throwing a fit about our black denim.

friend: perry white, what: kents can travel too, family: grace, verse: aftershocks

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