come on get happy?

May 04, 2009 20:47

I promised JP last night that I would dig through the old box of clippings in the attic to find the pictures from my date with David Cassidy. The story is an oddly simple one. It was the summer before I started at Met U, I was visiting with an aunt in California for the summer. Ran into David Cassidy in, of all things, a record store. Tried to keep the overwhelming excitement and nerdiness to a minimum, which apparently worked because he asked me out. Dinner and a movie, simple, but we realized that given the fact that I had posters of him all over my wall, it would probably never work out between us.

But the paparazzi has the pictures to prove that it happened. And now so do I. Typically they stay hidden away because this falls under the very broad category of "Things My Husband Doesn't Like to Talk About." Nonetheless.

I think I might have been too nervous even to enjoy it.

How sexy are guys with lollipops? ....

If only I had any recollection of what we were talking about just then.

But everyone else in the theater probably didn't mind that we talked through the entire thing.

I miss that coat. And David Cassidy in jeans...

The '70s were a dark time for belts.

I think it was here in his car later that we realized it wasn't going to work after all.

Thank you for this one, paparazzi.

And there you have it. My date with Keith Partridge David Cassidy. I was barely eighteen, don't judge me.

[nostalgia], friend: jean-paul beaubier

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