a real post including real things

May 02, 2009 21:42

Here I am, making a real post. Now that I'm working in Metropolis again, I've been going back to my therapist, who thinks that if I'm going to have this journal I ought to put it to good use. Various memes and surveys aren't particularly useful, it seems. So. That's why I'm trying this out. That, and because my mun promised her roommate she'd stay home and study but she thinks studying is for nerds and so are finals.

I haven't done a very good job of getting this information out there evidently, but as you may have gathered, I have a brand new job. That doesn't involve cappucino machines. John and Jean-Paul have expanded, as it were, thanks to Lionel, and I'm running their new shelter in Metropolis. Thus far it's a lot like running the Kelly campaign, only the press doesn't hate me. Yet. We're not quite up and running yet. We're hoping by the end of May. But I'm in the process of hiring staff and developing the building's interior, working on our budget and dealing with our finances. It feels wonderful to balance a check book that isn't my own. And wonderful to have a chance to do what I originally set out to do, what I spent four years in school preparing to do.

That said, it's been...difficult. Jonathan and I are both overworked and a bit overwhelmed, with the this, the farm, and Gracie. But we've had some help. Clark and Lois have been amazing, keeping an eye on the baby here in Metropolis so I can have her at arm's length. Thank goodness for Perry, who lets Gracie hang around with them (and with him!) at the Planet.

In other news, I've become a shopping addict.

I told you my mun was procrastinating! In my own defense, I've probably only spent a total of $200 on clothes for myself in the last ten years. I suppose I'm overdue.

friend: perry white, friend: lionel luthor, work: shelter, family: grace, family: lois, friend: john allerdyce, family: clark, [therapy], shopping, friend: jean-paul beaubier, family: jonathan

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