Snuggle!fic for reportresurrect

Jan 17, 2009 17:01

Martha was used to seeing people she knew in town. Truth be told she knew everyone and everyone knew her. The blessing and the burden of living in the aptly named Smallville. But she had to admit to being surprised when she caught a glimpse of a young girl in the market she recognized as Chloe Sullivan. She had met Chloe just days earlier through Clark’s introduction; she was unmistakable, even standing in front of the glass refridgerators studying two different cartons of milk.

“Chloe?” Martha approached her tentatively, pushing her cart in Chloe’s direction.

“Oh!” Chloe turned to smile nervously at her, awkwardly holding the two cartons. “Mrs. Kent. Hi.”

“What are you…doing there?”

Chloe sighed, looking back at the cartons. “I thought I’d help my dad out by doing the food shopping this week, and I thought I’d just remember all the usual stuff, but then I got here and I have no idea what I’m doing.”

Martha offered her a sympathetic smile. She had only admiration for a young girl hoping to make her single father’s life easier by pitching in and attempting tasks she was unaccustomed to. “I would go with two percent.”

Chloe turned her head to look at her uncertainly. “Yeah?”

A nod. “Yeah.”

“Okay.” She returned the skim into its place in the fridge, and placed the two percent in her cart. Martha observed with her a mother’s eye as she sighed, quite clearly blinking back tears. The poor girl was overwhelmed. New town, new school, single parent, awkward teenage years…

Without thinking, Martha’s arms wrapped around her tightly. “It’s okay, kiddo. You’ll get through it. In a few weeks, it’ll feel like home. Everything will feel like home.”

Chloe didn’t cry like she wanted to, but she did hold on tight for longer than she planned to, relishing in the maternal warmth she missed so. “Thanks, Mrs. Kent.”

Things were already starting to feel like home.

family: chloe, fic: snugglefest

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