Star Trek

May 14, 2009 10:33

OK, I've had a few days to digest the movie, and I am ready to give my review:

It's good. The main focus of the movie is Kirk and Spock, and that relationship is handled very well. Zachary Quinto deserves serious credit for his portrayal of Spock, but the surprise was Karl Urban's Dr. McCoy. After years of seeing Urban in nothing but action roles, I guess I underestimated his acting skill. His Bones was awesome.
The movie does have some flaws. It isn't as deep as it could have been, but there are certain plot points that make it deep enough to cover that. There are some plot holes, but not big enough to distract from the movie as a whole. The humor is very good, close to over the top but not too much.
The writing was fast paced and action oriented, which should appeal to those of us who thought Kahn beat the crap out of Motion Picture. And as an established fan, there are plenty of references to the proper Trek universe to satisfy the trekkies. Especially the reference to Admiral Archer's dog (from the Star Trek: Enterprise series).

All in all I give it 4.5 out of five photon torpedos.
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