I intended this as a follow up/exposition to this lovely cracktastic!picspam (
Click Here!) by
kat_rowe. Please enjoy the crack.
Be warned, lots of images.
Helen always had her suspicions, but she had no way of verifying anything until Tesla walked back into her life.
Helen (to self): You know, Nikola looks remarkably like Will.
When she first met Will, that night his mother died, she sensed an immediate familiarity.
Baby Will: I wonder what makes the lights in the TV work?
Helen decided to conduct some exploratory tests. But first she needed DNA from both of them.
Helen (to self): Tesla, check
Helen: (to self) Will, check
She wasn't fully prepared for what she found.
Helen: Oh shit...
She had wanted to tell him before, but the timing was never quite right.
Helen: Will, can we talk?
Will: Now? *is confused* You realize its pouring, right?
Helen: You're right of course, we'll talk later.
She had to tell one of them, so she told Tesla. He was easier to reach.
Helen: Nikola there is something we need to talk about.
Tesla: How hot you are?
Helen: *srsly face*
Nikola: I say it to get that reaction you know. What is it?
Helen: I don't know how else to say this. Nikola, you're a father.
Nikola: * uncharacteristically silent*
Nikola: I want proof.
So she ran the tests again and brought him proof.
Helen: Is Dr. Tesla in?
Will: Why am I here again?
Desk Lady: Let me get him.
Nikola: WELCOME! I'm excited to see you both.
Nikola: Did you bring it?
Will: We didn't bring anything, idiot
Helen: I'll talk to you later Nikola
Helen: I ran the tests again, its confirmed. You are his father. I sent them too your email so you can look at them.
Nikola: No possibility of a mistake?
Helen: I'm sorry.
Nikola: Shit.
After coming back from the trip to see Tesla.
Will: Can I talk to you about Mexico. What was Tesla talking about you bringing?
Helen: *doesn't want to tell*
Will: Okay, not now. I get it. Tesla wanted to see me anyway.
After Will finds out, he goes into shock.
Will: You didn't tell me. Why didn't you tell me?
Helen: I'm sorry Will. Can we talk about it.
Henry/John: wtf is going on
Will: You had no right.
Helen: Please Will, can we talk about it.
Nikola: *darth vader impression* Will, I am your father!
Henry: Can someone tell me what is going on?
Nikola: *fills him in*
Henry: Dude, that's messed up.
Nikola: I know right?
Will finally comes to terms with the news
Will: OMG, its really true... It explains so much
Nikola: Welcome to the family, son.