Since a few days now, I'm thinking about creating a Kuroshitsuji RPG, here on LJ. But I don't want it to be like all those RPG's where you have to post a thread and others players answer in comments. I find them to be a bit too... elitist (no offense to anyone) ? No, I'd like something simple, friendly where everybody would have fun together.
So I was thinking, why not create a community in which each character would post real entries, like we all do in our LJ's ? There would still be interactivity between the players and everybody could so test her/his writing style. I had some RPG's like this in the past and it has always been fun and entertaining !
I'm not sure I'm being very clear but if you're interested, please leave a comment to this post or send me a
PM with the character(s) you'd like to play and any question/suggestion/whatever you may have.
And, well... If this happens, Sebastian is taken already. Eh...
*crosses fingers*
Tadaaaa !! This is the place of the crime :
cakesandgames. Give me just a bit of time and I'll have things up and ready to roll pretty soon (hopefully end of week). XD
Taken characters :
Sebastian :
catsnbootsCiel :
wee_hiveGrell :
redcinemareelWilliam T. Spears :
time_to_reapFinnian :