Feb 25, 2005 19:25
today was the first three events of academic decathlon. the first event: essay
for the essay the prompt i chose was "how has astronomy changed since ancient times?" so i wrote about technological innovations. then i looked at the prompt again ans saw that it read: "how has the NATURE of astronomy changed since ancient tims" and i'm like...thats not what my essay addresses. so i have a long conclusion going back onto topic. i ended with something like "the ancients were full of confusion and knew diddley squat but now we know we will someday look up to the heavens and boldly declare "I understand!" talk about talking out of ones butt...
then came the interview. pretty standard, but i was the only person who knew two of my three judges. everyone else had no clue whose theirs were. they had never before encountered them. one of my judges was mr brannen. another was my old counselor. so maybe i'll get good scores from them.
for speech, i didnt do as well as last time on the prepared speech, but i improved drastically on impromptu. my prepared speech was about the necessity of having political diversity and how you need to take the best of both sides. i likened it to two pillars leaning against each other. each taken individually would fall, but each holds up the other. the impromptu was about rich people thinking they are above the law.
tomorrow comes the true test of skill....
I dont think you trust in my self-righteous suicide. i cry when angels deserve to DIIIIIIIIIEE!