Title: Once
Pairing: Gen - Tom Riddle Jr.
Rating: PG-13
Words: 193
Notes: Written for challenge 7 at
hh_writersblock. Prompt was Diagon Alley.
I've been here for a long time, a safe haven for Britain's witches and wizards. Most of the time, they're boring inhabitants, not even worth my notice.
But one day, an eleven year old boy visited my for the first time - completely by himself. He roused me from my slumber, being very inquisitive and examining every corner. A brilliant boy, prone to be of exceptional power.
When he ventured into Knockturn Alley with his newly acquired wand hidden in his trousers, dark shadows obfuscated my mind.
When He vanished, I was hoping against all hope that he was gone for good.
Then something strange happened. Twins opened a new joke shop. Their shop was colourful, making people laugh and subsequently, brightening my mood. I have to tell, their items and sense of humour were the best I've ever seen.
Unfortunately, it didn't take Him long to come to power again, making me sink into depression yet again.
One night, He sent his minions to attack the joke shop. I couldn't let Him take the only thing able to lift my mood. For the first time, I interfered regardless of the consequences for me.