Week 10- Kouga Theme

May 05, 2008 13:01

WEEK 10- Kouga Theme

Hello All!!

Jeez week 10 here already? Wow time has flown so fast!

My thanks to all participates for our last theme.

BUT... if this community is going to work we need more people to enter. So please, if you haven’t entered do so. Remember it’s you the people who make a community work.

I had a special request from my co-mod mickeythemousie for a special guest this week.

So Mick, this is for you!

Our Special Guest This Week is:


Oh yes, that black haired, pony tailed, blue eyed bit of confident Wolf Demon yumminess! *wink*

Okay I’ll stop! Here are your prompts for this week.

Prompt #1:

Kouga raced along the hills, blowing a large trail of dust behind him. Some days he felt the need to just run and run far.

He pulled up suddenly as a familiar scent brushed by him. He frowned puzzled by the smell.

What the blazes was the owner of that scent doing this far in the hills?

Prompt #2:

Kouga sat sullenly soaking the hot spring relishing the heat on his aching muscles.

‘Damn,’ he silently swore, ‘I have never been whipped so thoroughly in my life.’

He winced as a bruise on his back bumped the rocky bank and shifted slightly, trying to find a comfortable position.

He tensed as suddenly a form pushed it’s way through the bushes around the steaming water.

“Aw Hell!” he exclaimed, “What do you want?”

There you all go! Have funs and I’ll see you soon!



inuyasha, feudal tales, mistress_safire

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