It's my school picture!!!! Oh no!!! Waaaa! I look terrible! D8
One without glasses, and because I always tie my hair back. =3
Is halloween OK? XD I'm the dorky one on the left! XD (Went as a lady Samurai =3) And! Not only that but, three years ago that costume was a InuYasha costume! 8D
My name is Mikki! (that's "Mike E" >8D) I'm 17 years old. I'm a happy, sensitive, and fun person. I always tie my hair back, (Hate when it gets in my face!) wear jeans and hoodies in the winter, and T-shirts, and capries or gouchos in summer. I wear sneakers, boots, and flip flops for soes. I hardly ever wear skirts or shorts. (I'm a tomboy at heart and I hate showing off my body. XD) I love watching anime, reading manga, going online, riding my bike, and playing Nintendo! ^-^
I hope this is good ehough! 8D