Inspired by Meg's "Procrastination" meme. Because I'm procrastinating.

Sep 30, 2009 08:54


OTP: Padme/Anakin, FTW. Star Wars. Been a devotee since fifth grade. This is serious commitment. Yes, I know Hayden and Natalie can't act, but that doesn't matter because I have my own version of them in my head which is about 1000 times better than the actual screen couple. Basically, the fulcrum of the relationship in my head is that she's as messed up as he is. They're actually quite similar: no childhood whatsoever, too much responsibility at a young age, some degree of mental illness (I believe both have some combination of depression/ PTSD, Padme heavier on the former and Anakin heavier on the latter), and never believing they would get to enjoy the blessings of ordinary lives. (Sadly, they were right.) That said, they are actually very versatile. Obviously, there are boatloads of inherent angst, but in my mind they're also very silly and cute, as their lives and jobs make it difficult to really relax around anyone but each other. So I imagine when they get together, they are funny, kinky, sexy, and match each other intellectually as well as emotionally and physically. I've written angst, comedy, plain old drama, crack!fic, AU, even smut with this pair.

Cutest couple: Ron/Hermione, Harry Potter. In some (of my blacker) moods, they can be a little cloying. (Don't even talk to me about Harry/Ginny. That I cannot stand.) But most of the time, when I'm my normal happy self, they are huggable they're so damn cute. Best friends who turn into something more... it's more realistic than most fictional couples out there, let's just say that.

Most gag-inducing couple: Harry/Ginny. Harry Potter. Epilogue.

Adorable-oddball couple: Spike/Illyria/Fred. This is an acquired taste, though don't panic, it's not a threesome, for those of you not well-versed in Angel lore. It's just a very complicated, alternate-personality 'ship. Plus Fred's kind of in love with Wesley. But Illyria, aka the "other half of Fred," is a haughty hell-god, and still really attracted to Spike, though I don't think even she knows this. It's hysterical to watch.

Best sexual tension (ST): Han/Leia, Star Wars. Looking at this couple in ESB, you just know they were banging each other the entire time. Insane, unstoppable, possibly lethal chemistry: that's why I love them.

Best unresolved sexual tension (UST): Oooh, fun question. Honestly I love UST in real life more than on-screen. Did I just say that? ;-) On screen (or on page, whatever) it's just frustrating. That said, I think Spike and Angel (Buffy and Angel) have issues they really need to work out. "Did you and Angel ever, you know..." "Well, there was that one time..." --actual quote, Harmony and Spike, sometime during Angel S5. Please watch the Avenue Q "If you were gay" Spike/Angel, side note.

Worst timing: Claire/ Charlie, Lost. Oh my God, could this couple BE any more stressful for viewers? They are utterly adorable, and then things just begin to happen, and then Charlie dies. I'm still nursing a hole in my heart from this.

Best kiss: Rhett/ Scarlett, Gone with the Wind. Seriously awesome stuff. If anyone ever kissed me like Rhett Butler, let's just say there would be a marriage proposal (on my part) within, oh, about a week.

Inflicted best "will-they, won't-they" torture on viewers: Spike/Buffy. I devoted entire years of my life to hoping this would happen, but it never really did. Dear Joss Whedon, do any of your characters ever end up happy?

Most underrated: Angel/Cordelia, from Angel. Dark-and-broody vampire meets perky cheerleader/homecoming queen, and they make relentless fun of each other in between saving the world.This could work.

Most surprising couple: I admit, I was stunned when Willow/Tara happened, on Buffy. But I ended up really liking them.

Guilty pleasure: Um, various slash couples who shall remain nameless. Or not. See "Best UST."

So evil they belong together: Voldemort/ Bellatrix, from Harry Potter. You have to admit, they are epic. It squicks some people out, but you have to admit there's something not-100%-kosher about their relationship (as if Death Eater-Dark Lord relationships are ever kosher, but hmmph. Not the point).  In the movies Helena Bonham Carter, plus most of the directors, write and play this like it's canon. I think even JKR admitted Bella was obsessed with him--he's just a little too sociopathic to reciprocate. But that doesn't mean nothing happened behind the scenes.

Most overrated: Someone please explain to me what the big deal is about any Lost couple besides Claire/Charlie and Jin/Sun. Because seriously, I tried and I just didn't care about the Jack/Kate/Sawyer thing. Also, Buffy/Angel. They had decent chemistry, but I don't understand why this was always held up as The Standard for the rest of the relationships in the show. It seemed like a very typical shallow high school relationship. I never got the impression Buffy and Angel ever shared a deep understanding or connection, and yet it was played as though they did.

I have a few more, but I need to stop procrastinating or I'm going to miss my first class. Eep.

ships, procrastination

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