Hmm...been a while.

Sep 04, 2006 18:12

Yeah, It's been forever since I updated. My computer is getting fixed...once again. I hate my computer. I'm at Emily's right now. I haven't been here in waaay too long. I missed her. But, anyway...lately nothing much has happened since my mom got home like last week. All I remember is...last friday Me, Dave, Emily (kinda), and Tiffany hung out at the football game...which sucked. Saturday- Me and Jessie went to one of her cousins "going away" party. It was a lot of fun...I got to meet some more of her family and it was just an other all great day. Dave had a party that day...that we didn't get to go to...but it happens I guess. Sunday-I dont think I did anything...cant really remember. Monday-Jessie had me over...we didn't do much but it was fun. It was basically "the test" to see if her Mom and Step dad are okay with me yet. From what Jessie tells me her Mom is okay with me again and I can go over her house and she can come over now whenever. So, that was a good day. tuesday-friday-did nothing at all...sat at home was like death...but oh well. Saturday-Me, Jessie, and Jenny went out to eat and to see "wickerman"...the movie was decent til the very end...then I HATED but it was still a fun night...seeing it made things okay with me and jessie again (we had our first fight type thingy...aww cute lol you calm down). Then sunday (yesterday)-Jessie came with me and my family up to my Aunt and Uncles like...cabin/camp ground place. She got to meet more of my family...and we had a great time. Just was fun to spend a entire day with her again...after not seeing her for like 4 days...and not talking much/sorta fighting.

Things with me and Jess couldn't be better right now. Things are just going amazing. I hope for them to stay this way. I love her very very much.

I dont want school...I dont want to see certain people...This summer has been far too good. School with just magnify the drama...and i'll actually have to see the drama dwellers in person...I dont wanna. ugh. then the assholes at school...and the gay freshmen and sophmore. I just hate ruins everything...I dunno...only like 3 days. I've never wanted to not go back so bad...Im dreding it SOOO much more then I ever do any other year.

I'm pretty excited for Jessie's Birthday party coming up...but other than that...not much else Im looking forward to right now besides like homecoming and junk...but that comes with school. ugh.

stop the drama.
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