Nov 21, 2003 14:33
bah dave is really make me angry and if it keeps up i dont think im gonna stay out here and have my mom send me back to cali dunno where i will live but doesnt really matter cause i wont have to deal with dave anymore, im not even suppose to be on the comp today cause i didnt do some yardwork yesterday that i didnt know he wanted done everyday cause he failed to specify that and i came home from school and was just gonna play a game and hes like no computer blah blah blah hes being a dick lately and im already getting bugged about getting a job and well it wont really be possible for me to work and go to school next semester since i will have school like allllll day everyday so i can finish and get the fuck out of here, makes me all grrrrr but whatever the sooner i get out of here the better....well peace