Life on my own

Jan 18, 2006 20:02

I as you know i have recently move away from home. I found that after the initial first few days it takes to get settled in you sit back and realize that you can do whatever you want to whenever you want. I hope you all can enjoy this when the time is right for you. Well just thought i would write something thats not sad and depressing cause shawn has that down. Haha sorry shawn and in response to his post about friendships. I have only friends in my opinion everyone i meet and see beyond two times becomes a friend to me and if they arent a friend then they are a stranger i have no gray area. I fthey happen to fall into the gray area i work by calling and bringing them into my scene and hope to bring them to the friendship level. A friendship to me is what you put into it if all you want are the gray area friendsthen thats all you will get you have to put the effort forth.
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