May 11, 2004 21:39
1. what's your name? cATHERINE
2. where are you from? DUMONT :(
3. what's your favorite vegetable? CARROT!
4. does coffee suck? nOOOO
5. who's the most beautiful? NOONE
7. do you like potatoes? CHAAAAAAAA
8. do you wear make-up? CHA..
9. sweden or norway? sWEDEN.. HIM IS SEXY
10. do you play video games? YES.. AT LIAS HOUSE
11. what's your middle name? Rose
12. do you have any siblings? 2 SISTERS
13. do you get along with them? NOT AT ALL.. STUPID ASS HOLES
14. what's the last cd you bought? UMM HIPV? DONT REALLY BUY CDSSS
15. what's the best cd you own? MATCHBOOKROMANCE
16. what's the worst cd you own? FRIGGIN GOLD FINGER(MY UNCLE GOT IT FOR ME)
17. how old are you? 13
18. what's more important love or liFE: BOTH ARE GOOD
19. what's your favorite song? DEMOLITION LOVERS PART 2- MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE
20. are you right handed of left? LEFT
21. spearmint or peppermint? spearmint
22. what's the most comfortable pair of shoes you own? MY PINK AND GREEN CONS
23. do you like these surveys? SURE
24. what's your favorite color? GREEN, PINK, BLUE , BLACK
25. what's your favorite fruit? STRAWBERRIES
26. is pornography gross or entertaining? YUCKYYY
27. do you believe that there is a God? LIA IS THE GOD OF ARCTICPOLEGO
28. are you still in school? yYEA:-/
29. does AOL suck? I LYK AIM
30. is punk dead? no
31. best band in the world is? ALL THE SEXY BANDS
32. favorite number? 7
33. what's your favorite brand of gum? WINTER FRESH AND ORBIT
34. if you could marry anyone? JESSIE LACEY
35. why? becausE I WANNA
36. what are your parents' names? MARY (DONT HAVE A DAD NO MORE)
37. color or colour? color
38. what's your favorite kind of music?TECNO,BLUE GRASS, GOSPAL, EMO , SCREAMO, INDIE, SHYT LYK THAT
39. do you wear glasses? IM GETTING THEM
40. did you enjoy your high school experience? not in highschool yet
41. who's your favorite comedian? JESSIE GONZALES
42. who do you wish you could smack in the face? AMANDA SUMTHING
43. was your childhood enjoyable? I GUESS
44. what's your favorite kind of cheese? YARALSBURG EXPENSIVE RICH PPL CHEESE
45. what's your "guilty pleasure" movie? GOTHICA?
46. did the 80s suck? IM GUNNA GET A MULLET
47. what's your favorite curse word? PENIS
48. do you like donuts? CHA
49. Do you hate these questions? NO
50. When was the last time you cried? WOW RANDOM. MAYB A WEEK AGO OR SUMTHING
51. do you have any animals? CHAAA.. 2 CATS AND A HALF DED HAMPSTER