Oh look there... a journal

Apr 15, 2010 09:40

Hi journal, friends... Wow. I feel like a date that wouldn't put out getting back in touch with the girl (and yeah, that stuff happens to us guys too). How do I do this again? Okay...

Well actually, I think I'm writing just because I feel guilty of *not* writing, y'know? Not that I haven't done some of it, on the contrary . There's Facebook. There are some pretty good notes there: how I loathe the Quebec Separatist' movement, how my work at FS suits me, etc... But nothing really journal-like. A lot of friends have deserted LJ, others just lurk... I guess the Montreal scene I grew up with all became just a pack of Internet lurkers. Imagine that, HA!

I don't write much because I'm busy. I don't write when I'm with Lindsay, obviously (although that doesn't stop her from writing using her iPhone *ba-da-BIIING!*), and I don't write when at work, although that much change soon. Fétiche Store is opening its second location and it's allllll mine to deal with. Also, it's mine to arrange as my designer's office, because we've managed to acquire Gerber Accumark, which enables me to pattern, grade and arrange in neat placements all the pieces to a single garment... REALZ production-level powah! Which also means that I have to re-familiarize myself with a software suite that has had many, many an upgrade since the last time I had hands-on use of it, in.... 2002.

And those textbooks aren't exactly cheap, I'll have you know. But at least they're intelligible. And they spell out "awesome" for Seb, Isabeau and I.

I'm also leaving my 'hood soon. Aside from a 10-month hiatus, I spent about 6 years in this neighborhood and was quite content with it. But for the first time in my life, I'll take a chance with a downtown location, with my sweet. Bigger place, bigger rent, more space... It's bound to be interesting. And I can't wait. Yes, I'm nervous... I'm moving in with a postdoctorate after all and we don't know where life might be taking her next... But I'm at a crossroad and I could reasonably go anywhere at this point. And, I can always return. Plenty of people have shown me that in the past... Judy, Robin, Nic, Guillaume... So yeah. Let's.

I still haven't figured out my death issues from last year but they're not as prevalent. A quote from 'Luther Arkwright', "The only reasons for man's existence are chemical ones" struck a cord in me. After all, when you ask what the meaning of life is, the question implies that there is a meaning. Take that factor out of the equation and you're left with Life itself. Go with it. Revel in it. It's full of experiences, and wonders, and discoveries. They're ours to have. So no, I might not have resolved that fear but I don't think I'll mind much once I'm there. Just sayin'.

I've started writing in other medias, though. After our trip to Arizona, I figured out the missing chainlinks to make one of my comic pitches really great, and I've already started the rewrite. I never imagined how helpful a laptop would be in this situation. I can just open it anywhere and type a number of line, close the lip, carry on... While before I had to wait to be back home, transcribe a few scribbles, then get i the mood and write there. So much easier! Oh, and for those of you that know about these pitches I have, this one is "A Serendipitous Cacophony". Yeah, the supposedly romantic-artsy-fairy-like one. Perfect Vertigo material, although if I get it produced, I don't think Image would spit on such work either.

What all that being said (typed?), I'm off. I have some money available, and I decided to finally have the news articles mentioning Deutschmaschine laminated. That'll look good in our new apartment. And I'll have one done for my parents as well.


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