A while back I posted
a meme asking for topics to blog about. Here are the promised words:
Vertigo Jon sez:Personal finance and what you do with your savings. (Because i'm trying to figure out what to do with mine at the moment =)
I know you were using outliner for budgeting at one point, how is that going?
The lady does it all now. I am a huge failure at budgeting properly, being appropriately conservative, and being honest about what I need and what I can do without. So she's in charge, and OmniOutliner is the tool. Every cent we spend goes in there, and I buy almost nothing beyond what we truly need. We put a lot of money into my 401(k) and into our asset management account, where we've got a variety of index funds and a couple of stocks.
Rose sez:
Your wedding!
Heh. We had a nice dinner in Japan, and a nice dinner in the USA, but we haven't really had the ceremony yet. Some day we'll steal off to some lovely place and do that, but we're not in a huge hurry.
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