Jul 09, 2005 14:20
Tired and bored and utterly depressed, but I got out of bed, so who has a cookie for me? I've also come to the conclusion that I really dislike my LJ especially because of the picture I have to see every time I open it, and yet somehow I still love it. I hope Joaquin is better and out of rehab, poor him. I think I just mentally kicked myself. Wow, I amaze myself, and now I'm going back to bed, maybe I'll get up again later if someone calls me. Right like thats gonna happen, and Kris thanx for listening to me whine, only u'd listen to me at like 1 in the morning babbling about shit I don't have any control over anyhow. And Guru and Garrett u 2 are the only males I can officially stand who don't think I'm the most obnoxious and boring female on the face of the earth. Which I am so maybe now I should dub you saints ... hahaha.
Anyhow I'm done whining so have a lovely day.