Thought Bubble & the Foxlowe Arts Centre

Nov 16, 2012 06:05

It's a bit late in the day to shout at thee I'll grant, but the Foxlowe Arts Centre in Leek have been having a brilliant exhibition of steampunk-ish stuffs at the moment, the last day is this sunday but if you can get to Leek then it really is an excellent mix of creators:
and for those who'd like to know a little more there's a lovely review by James Bacon on the Forbidden PLanet International blog:

Clearly this weekend I and the big fake pop-up museum will be at Leeds' most excellent Thought Bubble festival. TB has grown into one of the best and biggest comic events in the UK so if you're a fan of comic-ry of all flavours, or more specifically would like smutty tea-ish fake-historical comics or posters, or to see the terrifying museum in all its wonder, or wish for a copy of the second Steampunk Literary Review or fetishman #16 (as we're still need to get it out to shops and that) then you'll find us in the Armouries Hall on saturday and sunday this weekend. And if that doesn't persuade you then know that Kate Beaton will be there and I will be trying to quell my urge to be socially inept round her BECAUSE SHE IS THAT GOD-DAMNED AMAZING! (Honestly, my fan-boy-ery isn't something anyone would wish for, it nearly always manifests as awkward incompetence) COME TO LEEDS!

Truly people, it's a weekend out, a bit of Foxlowe, a bit of Leeds, when december hits you'll all be mad busy so now's you're opportunity. It's cool, you can thank me later for planning it all for you!


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