Well that was lovely. admittedly sleep was lost in epic proportions but the company was magnificent, the booze was good (old rosie and free hendricks? so very ow), and the stall did delightfully well (which is pleasantly encouraging when you're trying to make a living out of the drawing stuff). Special mention must go to jenny garside for the swimming costumes that she created for me and Matt (late night swimming ftw), and to Clare (of crafty pumpkin jewellery) and gareth and alex for taking time out to be shop assistants for me (although I'm optimistic that the copious gin may have taken the edge off this burden).
jenny garside
http://www.rosenkavalier.co.uk/wytephantom/wytephantom1.htmcrafty pumpkin
http://www.etsy.com/shop/Clareypie Anyway, hectic travelling is off the cards for a couple of weeks as we have 2 Leeds events I'm delighted to be a part of: first up this Saturday is the Leeds Alternative Comics Fair, Saturday 18th September 1010, 12 til 6 at nation of shopkeepers in the heart of leeds where I and my fellow small press creators can all have a sly booze and hopefully enchant some people with the stranger end of the publishing spectrum; then the following weekend I'm setting up a small exhibition for the Cardigan Triangle Art Day, Sunday 26th September 2010, which is literally ten minutes walk form me house. Woo! Hopefully I may even have time next week to build the first of my 1st tea company faux-museum display cases, but we shall see.
http://leedsalternativecomics.wordpress.com/ http://headingley.org/artday Should all be lovely, anyway, sleep beckons,
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