Mar 04, 2008 22:07
This has only happened once before in my life. The beginning of puberty. Now its happening again. My biological clock has just slapped me in the face and said "O HAI TIEM TO MEK BEBBYS K THNX BAI" aka "hi we are in peek condition to make offspring" it happened at the begining of puberty when I was just begining to be physically capable to make babies and now its happening again. Its like an obsession. Im having pregnancy dreams and lots of them at least 2 a week. Things hit me in funny ways. Those splurbbly little monsters in strollers are suddenly just alittle cuter. Getting nervous when you walk by the soon to be mothers section in the book store. Pondering the joys of no period for nine months and is it worth the side effect of a baby. This is all very bizzare for meit just doesnt feel right. Most kinksters i know live thier life children free cause its just easier. how do you work around a child in this life style. how would it change my life. i know all of this is terribly preemptive seeing as i dont want children yet for another 4-5 years but its a big part of what my head is going through. Part of me is also sad because the people Im with arnt terribly interested in children either. i really wish all this would stop!. Its stressing me out and eatting up valuble time my brain could be doin other things.