Coffee is good when it's all soaked into other stuff like donuts or bagels or coffee filters, which are like paper hats filled with coffee grinds. Don't eat the grinds though.
And... sorry about the whole, y'know... whisker thing.
It's called "Secret Agent Lenny!" The rules are that whenever you talk to me you never, ever mention what I look like or anything, EVER. And if anyone asks about me you tell them "I don't know Lenny, never met him!" And if we meet in person you don't say my name, you just call me something else- anything else, come up with a spy name or something, and I'll come up with one for you. It'll be fun! So let's start the game right now!
And... sorry about the whole, y'know... whisker thing.
...Don't tell anyone about me though.
Paper hats?
[Whisker thing, whisker thing, uuuuhhhh... Thom has to think real hard about that one.]
Oh! Are you Hazar's bird friend?
[Dude he has no idea from your user ID.]
Thanks, that's real nice of ya.
Tell them what? That y'don't talk?
{OOC: I can't remember if 11 introduced them properly but she probably did, haha.}
[ooc: She did!]
[Lenny wanted him to stop talking? Hm. Thom didn't get it.]
wharts the jmnatter?/
[Stubby fingers lol.]
{OOC: Yay!!}
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