Apr 08, 2003 10:04
This morning when I got to work there was twenty feet of packing tape on the floor with the name Steve!! written over and over. About three feet from the end it said, "Payback's a bitch! Revenge is at hand!!"
I assumed this thing as a harmless prank by the cleaning crew. This being a large corporation, these being uncertain times, and there being two or three dudes named Steve in the building, security and the police were brought in. They couldn't do anything, there were no signs of forced entry, and "Steve" is pretty vague. Still, the case remains open.
I say we round up a few Steves into the mailroom after hours. Let the perpetrator come to us, I say. When they show themselves, then the tear gas. We're a medical supply company, surely we can find some sort of knock-out substance, be it gas, liquids, or a stainless steel crutch.