Hiya...interested but want to know more about your work. Do you have a web portfolio or anything? How long have you been tattooing? What are your rates like? Do you have any photos of your work that you can share? Might be good to put on your post for those of us who are interested but don't know you or anything about ya ;) I DO DO DO hope you get the money that you're looking to raise to get back home!
Just saw the post and the link. Thinking about it still. Trying to figure out if I can swing it right now or not and well thinking about it. It'd be my second...and not quite sure about what I want. Glad Kender posted the site :) Her tat is a lil like what I've been thinking of...kinda. If I decide to go for it...will definitely call! :)
He has a small portfolio of his newer pictures but the email isn't working:
i been doing tattoos for like 5 years now. i specialize in custom work and prefer to do color pieces but im just as comfortable with black and grey.
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