Apr 15, 2005 00:00
Well, our big fundraiser is tomorrow evening and it feels like my whole life is about fundraising lately. Sorry to all my friends, I know I have become extremely boring lately going on about all this stuff, but it should be over soon! Hopefully it will all be worth it.
I am looking forward to the evening, I think it will be a lot of fun. 5 music acts, belly dancers, and a silent auction. I have a small fear that noone will show up, and another small fear that we'll be full beyond capacity. I'm afraid to say that the first fear is the more realistic one of the two, but it should be fun nonetheless, and we have a lot of support from our friends. Thank you to all the helpers out there, especially mindst0rm for doing a kick-ass job on the website. If you haven't seen it already click on this link now: www.gonetoafrica.tk and then you can tell mindst0rm that he is amazing.
Have a great weekend and I will update you soon on how it all went!