Jan 28, 2006 06:31
Yay! My computer is back to normal. Slow as molasses and the words are small! I've noticed the slow thing for a few days now, kind of annoying when you are used to a fast computer, but just this morning the word-size came back to normal. Don't know what happened, but it sure is nice to not feel so close.
Exciting news! I felt Little P kick this week! My H was out of town Tuesday night, so after my art class I crawled into bed and phoned him to see how his day went and to say goodnight, and my tummy jumped! I was so glad to be on the phone with my H at the time because he could still be a part of that first excitement. I put my hand on my belly and then felt another kick right into my hand! Then I felt 2 more and after that I wasn't sure if there were more or if I was just imagining it. Needless to say I had a little trouble getting myself to sleep that night!
The next day I came home from work and lay on the couch returning phone calls. Eventually I called my H again to see how close he was to coming home in case I should wait for him for dinner... Little P started to kick again! It was so great and he/ she was so active! When my husband finally came home I told him to hurry over to feel it, but by the time he got his hands on my belly the kicking had stopped :( We tried at night when I was in bed to get him to feel it, but the baby wasn't so active. I could feel a few kicks on the inside but H couldn't feel anything on the outside. A sad moment, but I am assured he will feel and even see them soon!
The next day I felt the kicks while sitting at work and then while laying on the couch at night and then yesterday I felt them all day and they even woke me up in the morning. They are happening right now too! I really love this feeling. It is hard to concentrate on anything because when I feel it I just want to listen... to stop everything and just pay attention to this phenomenon. It still feels surreal and maybe even more so now. As the days go on, I am getting more prepared mentally for being a mom, but at the same time it just seems so unreal. There's a person inside me! We made a little person that is half my H and half me! How strange is that? And it's living inside my belly and it kicks me! And whoa, in 4 months I'm gonna have a baby to look after that I can't just hand over to it's mom when it cries! And it will be my baby! Whoa.