Nov 03, 2005 11:04
Hello Friends!
Well the new news is that I am still feeling better! Yipee! I took the day off again today... mostly because I have a dental appointment and would have had to take a 1/2 day, so why not the whole day? My husband commented this morning that he was surprised at my level of energy as I was playing with the dog and chasing her around the upper floor of our house. Yes, I do have some energy. I even made it until 8:30 last night so I could have dinner with and say "see you soon" to a dear friend who started the last leg of her journey to fulfill her Master's in Nicaragua. Sad to see her go (again), but she'll be back with more stories to share and knowledge to impart. I love her stories. I love sharing life with her. When I reflect on my life previous to my husband, sometimes I wish I had "known better", "chosen wiser", etc, but without the way things happened, I would not have met this friend and had the opportunity to become so close... also, she came with an entourage of friends that are near and dear to both me and my husband! So in all the "woulda, coulda's", it all worked out perfectly!
Hanging out with friends last night was great. I laughed so hard, and needed the pal-time so much! Thank you K, B, and C! It definitely made up for last Friday when I was suffering from friend-withdrawl! Can't wait for J to come back from overseas and share stories of her new-found camel friends.. I think we still have another week to go. Having some friends over this weekend... things are all looking up.
Hmmm, not much else to report on here... I'm now in week 10 Yipee! Visited a few maternity stores lately and pretty happy that I can still wear normal clothes! They charge an arm and leg for those "specialty" clothes and they aren't even that great... and the fit? Well, I'm just hoping the fit is better when I'm bigger, cause at the moment I think I'd be better off altering my own clothing! So I haven't bought anything yet except the exceptional Bella Band!
Well, I'm going to go do something, because I can. Have a great day!
PS. What do you think of the new colour theme? I thought it was time for a change! Oh and the picture... this is what Little P looks like now... you could let me know if you think it's gross... I'd understand.