Jan 10, 2004 22:25
It could quite possibly be the funniest thing on the face of the earth. No, not my yearbook picture, our health/first aid video; "our" meaning The Magical Triangle- Chris, Jeff and I. I'll summarize it quickly- Jeff is Dieter, a German executive. I'm Hans, his drug dealer. I travel with a posse of stuffed animals- Kermit, Spongebob, a large number of monkeys. We get fucked up on coke (confectionery sugar) and pot (tarragon). Jeff and I go out, hit Chris, The Innocent Pedestrian. Chris dies, wouldn't have if we knew CPR. Cute shitty CPR PSA and it's the end. Doesn't sound funny, but it is. I'll have it online or on my computer with in a week so if you want to see it I can show you if anyone wants. So about my day- worked from 9-3 when Jeff and Chris picked me up from work. We then went to Jeff's to work on our project for the next 3 and a half hours, then went to the diner. We ate, picked up Jeff's sister and her friend Megan from the mall, dropped them off in Seaside and I came home. Now I'm watching the Titans at Patriots game. What a good, fun day. Tomorrow I have practice from 8:45 to 11:30 then the most important thing all day- the Chiefs game. I'm so anxious. The whole day will be spent glued to the TV doing the war chant and tomahawk chop.