Crafted (Swindled) by My Loving Hands

Dec 03, 2007 12:23

Some of these links are pretty old, and as such I can't remember from where I found them. Thus, I'll just lay out there that these links were found via people and/or communities on my friends list- or friends of said people/communities:

More 'race riots' in Paris

That place is still out of control!? France is maybe slightly larger than the state of Texas; if we had riots in the US in that large a scale of area, we'd know there's something wrong. Also- burning down libraries and attacking firefighters described as "motivated by anti-authority leanings?" Please- more like burning down libraries (and attacking the people trying to save said libraries) to destroy Western (non-Arab) culture. That place has become so weak I can't even think about it anymore...

Guy tasered over traffic stop (speeding) issue; raises lots of questions

Speaking of overreacting:

Even more war on the unexpected (Bruce Scheier)

The passenger told the pilot of the Sardinia-Stansted flight that he was concerned about the behaviour of Michael Toussaint and four other members of the Caribbean Steel International Orchestra, a court heard. He claimed to be a psychology lecturer from London University and said he had noticed the group in "high spirits" in the terminal building, but that they had sat separately and quietly on board. He also believed Toussaint, who was wearing dark glasses, could have been feigning blindness, the court was told.


The incident took place on a train that left Chicago early in the morning - when Jewish men are obligated to put on tefillin (phylacteries). The passenger began strapping the head-tefillin to his forehead and passengers unfamiliar with the custom rushed to the conductor and told him there was a man on board who was fastening a box to his head with wires dangling from it."
The conductor approached the passenger but the latter refused to answer him as he was in the middle of the prayer, heightening the conductor's suspicions.

Meanwhile, the passengers grew even more frantic when they noticed that the passenger sitting next to the Jewish man had a Middle-Eastern appearance and wore a turban.

A comment: It's good that people are paying more attention to what goes on around them. But it's bad that they seem to have no skills to qualify that information and make any sort of reasonable judgement. And worse that people in authority act immediately and in the most abrupt manner when receiving bad tips.

Police overreaction response to a guy who 'might have a handgun' on a campus, actually turning out to be an auditor.

Military deceptions: valuable assets hiding out in the open in WWII, thanks to brilliant disguises, camouflage, and other fakery.

Paul Smith; an amazing artist who makes his beautiful, detailed creations via typewriter

Scary stuff: a look at how Microsoft would alter gmail's appearance if it took control of the idea

Cop shoots dog...another instance

Federal officials are routinely asking courts to order cellphone companies to furnish real-time tracking data, so they can pinpoint the whereabouts of [people they don't like].

Wow, idiots:

"He basically said that while gun control was based in racism, NOW the lack of gun control is racism, because African Americans are killing each other with guns; and easy access to guns is just a Republican plot to make things harder for them."

Women who won't have babies because they're not "eco-friendly"

On the one hand, I'm thankful that they're not going to have children to carry on their idiocy-laden genes- but on the other I'm disgusted that their obstinance has taken some of them even so far as to have abortions. A logical extension of this wanton murder of unborn children in the interest of "reducing our carbon footprint" nonsense would be for them to kill themselves, but- in their ultimate selfish hypocrisy- they won't do that.

The supposed problems of 'cyberbullying' in today's youth-saturated Internet

'Guns turn us [where "us" clearly means black people] into monsters'

I felt one quote in response was worth showing here, with some edits and emphasis of my own thrown in:

Title: Violence [monster-ism] does not Require a Weapon

Guns do not cause violence [monster-ism], anymore than butcher knives or baseball bats cause violence [monster-ism]. Guns are low on the list of items that result in the death of people. The automobile is very high on the list, and is abused far more regularly to cause death and maiming than guns are.

Violence [monster-ism] is [a] state of mind, that translates into a course of action; that state of mind is one where there is very little self-discipline or self-control, and the person thinks primarily of satisfying their animal urges. Many people like to refer to this a "crime of passion", so as to excuse the result and defer the proper consequences from being enforced.

As long as people keep making excuses to overlook violent [monster-like] criminal actions, the problem will continue, and keep getting worse. Allowing law abiding people to carry the means to defend themselves from sudden attack may have a modicum of deterrent effect, but the real problem is a social disease, that requires strong social medicine, not blaming an inanimate object for human behavior problems.

Here area a couple good ideas I'd like to try!

Bubble-glazing your windows for extra heat retainment during wintertime (and possibly the reverse in the summer?)

The joys of a chest fridge/freezer

The origins of common abbreviations

Telling the truth about police shootings as told by Charles Remsburg in "The Police Marksman" back in 2004. Definitely bookmark-worth information.

Granny got her gun: Woman thwarts burglary attempt...proving that you're never too old to (need to) defend yourself or others.

The @ symbol...known by many different names around the world.

Police officers shouldn't be wearing (visible) tattoos

Frankly, I think tattoos are retarded- but I don't really care if cops have them, visible or no. I do want that food handlers and medical personnel DON'T have tattoos, however.

Dutch idiot woman joins Communist guerilla/terrorist group, gets sick of being with them. Interesting read, but what really stuck with me was a passage that doesn't actually have that much to do with the main story:

The monthlong "International Caravan for Life" sought to deliver three tons of humanitarian aid on a barge to peasants caught in the crossfire between right-wing paramilitaries and leftist rebels.

At the steamy port of San Pablo, on the Magdalena River, the aid workers encountered resistance from local authorities. For two days, people believed to be acting on orders of paramilitaries detained the barge.

"We were all frightened," said Jacqueline Downing of Oakland, Calif., then an undergraduate at Oberlin College in Ohio. "But Tanja was very composed and helped others overcome their fear."

To ease the tension, Nijmeijer picked up her guitar and led 60 fellow activists in a sing-along of "One Love" by U2. The group later advanced into rebel-controlled territory, where their arrival was celebrated by guerrillas, and delivered the cargo.

That little excerpt, especially the part about the "activist sing-along," makes me just want to puke.

The Liberal Case for Gun Ownership, a FANTASTIC MUST-READ for everyone no matter what your stance on guns is. Here's a generous sampling of the concise, well-reasoned article.

The point here is that the gun issue is not about Democrats vs. Republicans, or liberals vs. conservatives, or even rural residents vs. urban residents.

It's about something deeper and more important than that: it’s about empathy and respect and tolerance.

It’s about recognizing that not everyone goes to nine-to-five jobs in air conditioned offices while commuting down safe suburban streets.

It’s about recognizing that not everyone can afford to have an ADT alarm system installed in their house.

And, most important of all, it’s about not living in fear of the fact that people who look different from you, who think different from you, and who pray different from you, may have rights too.

And to follow such great writing as above, I now present the opposite:

Horrendous UK 'gun culture' crackdown

By the way, the Russians own livejournal now, so it's probably a good time to consider archiving your journal- and bashing Communism since it'll probably get forbidden and officially written into the new terms of service (okay, not seriously- they are "better" than China in most Internet/privacy regards). =P

George Carlin's Solution to Save Gasoline

Bush wants us to cut the amount of gas we use..... The best way to stop using so much gas is to deport 11 million illegal immigrants!

That would be 11 million less people using our gas. The price of gas would come down.....

Bring our troops home from Iraq to guard the Border....

When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the border, hand him a canteen,
rifle and some ammo and ship him to Iraq ...

Tell him if he wants to come to America then he must serve a
tour in the military.....

Give him a soldier's pay while he's there and tax him on it.....

After his tour, he will be allowed to become a citizen since he defended this

He will also be registered to be taxed and be a legal patriot......

This option will probably deter illegal immigration and provide a solution for the troops in Iraq and the aliens trying to
make a better life for themselves......

If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway, without the
canteen, rifle or ammo.....

Problem solved.....

I don't agree 100% with it, but I won't say it's a bad idea, either.

Last thing: on a cheerful note, enjoy this potentially-photoshopped image and this comic- and I hope you can sing along. =D

That is all.

politics, link collections, comics, pictures, race/culture war, guns, injustice du jour, outrage, self-defense, survivalist, wow: world of wackos

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