(no subject)

Dec 31, 2007 18:22

This is the deal.

God loves you. God has to love you. God has absolutely no choice in the matter, it's part and parcel of who he is. Omnibenevolence comes with the package. So God loves you and you and you and you and especially you.

Free will.

Humans have it.

Angels don't have it.

Does God have free will? If God has no choice in loving you, does that make God the ultimate loving parent? Or does that mean God has no free will? Humans have free will, they can hate God. If God can't hate, what does that mean?

Does that make him less than human or more? Does that make humans less than God or better than God? If God has no free will, who has more power?

God loves you, and maybe that's a bad thing.

prisoner's dilemma, narrative

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